Laura's away for the week investing in her beautiful heart, which leaves me to manage the hobby cattery all by lonesome. It also means I get to selfishly hog all the kitty loves for myself! Ha!!
One of the challenges of flying solo is pillage. Theo is easy to pill, just tuck it in the pill pocket and he gulps it down. Pilling Buddy however, is a challenge. He's super savvy when it comes to trying to hide pills. Laura masterfully drops the pill down his throat, but I can't seem to wield that magic. I decided to get his three meds compounded with chicken in hopes I could just mix it in some human food and he would gulp it down. Fail! He's way smarter than that.
In a stroke of genius I took his favorite food, bacon, and rubbed his pills in the bacon fat. I then prime the pump by giving him a few pieces (he goes nuts for bacon - watch the fingers!) then I sneak in the gelcap pill that smells like bacon and he gulps it down! I follow with another bacon chaser. So far it's worked perfectly! Behold the power of bacon!
It's been an emotionally difficult week. I mentioned back in the fall, that my dear friend, Sarah, was diagnosed with very aggressive stage IV cancer. It seemed like she was responding well to the chemo but a few weeks ago the cancer surged and suddenly she's in hospice care. Her time on this side of heaven is rapidly winding down. I'm struggling to get my head around that reality. Seems so random and cruel.
Sarah and Tom, 2004 |
In the fall I responded to the grief with the need to be active, so I took advantage of the nice weather and reroofed the garage. This time around I decided to finish the baseboard trim in the living room and dining room. As I was working I realized that it was a very Sarah thing to do. She was always active and didn't like being lazy or giving into depressive lethargy.
This project entailed adding the quarter round base, sanding everything, and then painting.
Painting with cats is sure a challenge, especially when it's such a big space that I can't just block their path to the area.
The cats respond to the chaos with need to explore everything like it's new!
Poor Rose, she didn't have anyplace to hide from the evil human. She normally likes to hide behind the couch, but with it being pulled away from the wall, it offered no protection!
Nahum demanded tummy rubs and lap time in the midst of the work. Priorities!
Everything's a mess!
I came down Monday morning to find white kitty paw prints!
On Saturday afternoon, I took a break in the painting to check out Wynonna Judd's latest song,
Things I Lean On. My heart was overwhelmed with grief so when Buddy climbed up on me for some love I just lost it. I wept and wept. It was glorious.
In other non-related news, I'm still LOVING having Marvin at work with me! What a joy! I think he likes it too. I put a heating pad under a layer of this red blanket and he's liking that!