Sunday, May 26, 2024

Theo Theo

Theo's health seems to be holding steady. At the start of this month, he seemed to be going downhill. After the vet drained a bunch of fluid around his lungs, we made some medication adjustments and added a few more meds and supplements. Since then, he's been doing well. 

I'm so grateful for all this extra time with him. Such a lovely gift. Theo's such a delightful cat, so filled with gentleness and love. He's been exceptionally cuddly lately. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Theo weekend roundup

Theo had a really good weekend! Yah!

He seemed to be feeling really good. Had more energy and looked more comfortable. 

It's been a long time since I've seen him in this kitchen window. This was one of his favorite hang out places. 

I got lots of amazing Theo cuddles this weekend. Spending time and cuddling with him was the priority activity this weekend. He was super cuddly. 

He even had energy and interest to supervise the preparation of the week's kitty meds. 

On Thursday, we thought we would be saying goodbye to Theo this weekend. But instead, we got a lovely gift of spending a lot of quality time with him while he was feeling better! Yah!! His breathing has been better and has been consistently okay. 

I'm praying for more good days for him.