Sunday, January 31, 2010
viewing shelves
Over a year ago, I built a window shelf under the large front window on the enclosed front porch. In the warmer months, Max would frequently be found sprawled out on the shelf, enjoying the view of his front yard. He seemed to enjoy being higher up and having a broader view of the front yard. Of course the birds in the rhododendron kept his attention.
Willow and Nahum have been enjoying this view and Willow also uses the shelf to get better access to bugs. Occasionally, there is a kitty traffic jam - one cat tries to leave while the other obstructs the exit. This problem is currently being reviewed for possible solutions.
Since the one shelf gets cramped with two cats, I figured with the addition of the new cat, we needed more window shelves! So, after a little measuring and cutting we now have two additional kitty viewing platforms. The new ones are on the back enclosed porch, under the back and side windows.
Judging from the amount of use these new shelves are getting, they were definitely necessary home improvements! Next up may be a shelf widening project.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
cat gear

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
lessons learned
free of fear
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
first day of class
Before I get into that, let me backup and start with Sunday. On the eve of the first day of class, my anxiety was mounting due to my inability to decide who to bring to class, Nahum or Theo. So, I consulted with a previous graduate and my anxiety quickly calmed. (Thank you Lisa!) She suggested I not choose either-or but to bring both, which is what I did. Nahum was my starting cat and Theo was second string.
The class consisted of five dogs and my cat. Nahum was stressed. The combination of the two super-huge-giant dogs, three medium sized dogs and the unfamiliar space caused him a great deal of anxiety. About midway through the class Nahum was quite happy to turn things over to the backup cat.
Theo wasn't phased by the enormity of the two canine beasts nor the new space. He took it all in stride, spending his class time sprawled in my lap purring and occasionally meowing when he wanted the stalled petting hand to stop resting and resume petting.
On the ride home Nahum clearly communicated his displeasure with the whole experience and I realized then that he is not ready for such a class. As I am not a proponent of torture of animals, I can not willfully do something that creates that much stress on my Nahum. I don't know if he will ever be comfortable enough for such an endeavor but that's okay. I love him for his delightful way of being and his deliciously soft fur.
So, congratulations to Theo - he gets promoted to first string and Nahum gets to forgo the working life awhile longer.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
first yardtime

full kitty home integration
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The class starts next Monday and as usual the anticipation of the first day of class stirs up all sorts of fears. This time it is a little different though, as I will not be going alone, I will have a feline partner. Nahum and I are a team, which means we both have to pass the tests to succeed. I feel somewhat confident in my abilities but Nahum's abilities are quite a bit more unknown.
My greatest fear involves Nahum being too freaked out to be able to participate in the class activities. That would leave me feeling really horrible for subjecting him to such stress, and then a microsecond later I would be flooded with shame. Nahum's traumatic response would make it clear for everyone to see that I was a complete idiot for thinking such a fearful cat could possibly be a therapy animal candidate.
I can't help but wonder what it would be like to anticipate the first day of school with more excitement and eagerness rather than fear. Do people really do that?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
play czar

One of my given roles in the household is to be the one who cares for the cat’s play needs. I have happily accepted this responsibility as playing with them brings me great joy. I also get the additional bonus of being associated with fun, which means I get greeted with a flurry of kitty excitement when I get home!
As a child, I have many fond memories of playing with our Chihuahuas. When my parents were gone, I would often strip all the cushions from the couch and build elaborate forts out of blankets, cushions, pillows, furniture and whatever else was handy. We would play for hours and always had a blast.
Now, I get to re-live those fun times. A simply constructed blanket-fort – a blanket strung over some furniture and the scratching post can provide hours of entertainment for all. One time Nahum and I were playing in the blanket-fort when out of nowhere Willow jumped from the couch right on top of the fort, collapsing it on top of us. Nahum and I were completely taken by surprise. I howled with laughter.
Each of our cats has their favorite toys. Max had his blue yarn ball. Willow has her little rattly mice. Nahum has his bootlace string, which he carries with him everywhere, like a little boy carrying his favorite blanket. He also seems to think Willow is his toy to chase and gnaw on. Theo’s favorites have not been discovered yet.
Play seems to come natural to our cats; it is an important part of their life. It is also an important part of my life. Sometimes when life is more balanced, play occurs naturally in my life (i.e. rehabilitating a lovely piece of yard art and returning it to it’s native habitat.) Then there are other times when I have to intentionally work at incorporating play into my life. Playing with the cats is certainly fun, but there is something different about play with fellow humans. Allowing myself to be childlike, to fully laugh and be silly is to allow myself to be vulnerable, to risk being mocked and shamed.
In order for Nahum to play with abandon, he must feel safe in his home and with his people. When someone visits or I take him on the road, he is much more reserved.
My hope is that I can someday play like Nahum, with amazing freedom from the constrains of being overly self-consciousness, trusting that God and my people will be delighted by my antics rather than freaked by my wildness.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
traveling kitty show
Tonight I loaded Nahum and Theo into the car and headed to Seattle to visit a friend and her chocolate lab. Nahum was cautious and on edge but curious enough to sniff everything in the house. By the end he was sprawled on the soft cushy chair, watching the dog be a dog.
Theo explored the house as if surveying a new part of his kingdom. By the end of the visit he was eating treats off the dog's paw and convincing his new human friend to carry him around on her back. Meanwhile, Nahum watched with mild interest.
Theo did just as I expected while Nahum exceeded my expectations. I feared he might hide under the couch, sacred and anxious to return home. I hope with more positive exposure his comfort level will only increase.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
sweet & sour
I often refer to Willow as 'Sweet Willow' although lately she has demonstrated many very unsweet behaviors. A few months ago she started playfully pouncing on Nahum with the frequent result of annoying and upsetting him. She frequently growls and hisses at Theo and even attempted to nip at him today. Even though this level of aggression appears somewhat new, she has never really been that affectionate, especially as compared to Nahum.
Sure, Willow has her moments of sweetness, but by far Nahum's personality is much sweeter in nature. And yet I never refer to Nahum as 'Sweet Nahum'. I can't help but wonder if I am experiencing Willow through my boyhood 'girls are sweet' lens. Lately Willow has certainly provided lots of evidence against the original axiom being true. I also wonder how my relationship with Willow will change as I experience her more as she really is (both sweet and sour) versus my distorted yet familiar view.
Friday, January 15, 2010
working cat
Nahum's therapy cat potential will be put to the test soon enough, as today I signed us up for a 7 week class which hopefully will lead to us becoming a certified animal assisted therapy team! For more information on the training, check out

Theo has spent time on the street. We don't fully know his story, but when we found him he was foraging his own meals. Outdoor cats do this all the time without any problem, but Theo was a former inside kitty and from his constant interest in food, I am guessing his foraging skills were a little rusty - he was a very hungry kitty!
After two weeks of regular generous feedings, Theo is always demanding more food. He is driving us all crazy with his non-stop begging. As soon as he gets his serving of nuggets, he inhales them and immediately begs for more.
In an effort to teach Theo that he needn't worry about running out of food, I decided to try to give him a huge bowl of nuggets, hoping he would cut himself off before he overate and got sick. Apparently a cat's 'full-switch' can be damaged leaving them with a perpetual hunger for food. (A friend recently shared a story of her cat that would stuff itself, vomit it all up and immediately go for new food.)
After eating about two thirds of the bowl of nuggets, Theo took a break. Our house is momentarily quiet.
I am reminded of my good fortune and the great blessings I have received. All of my life I have never known hunger like Theo, I have never lived in fear of when my next meal would come. I am thankful.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
new guy in town
Theo is curious and easy going - not at all a fighter. His way of being in the new space with new cats reminds me a lot of being the new kid at school or camp. He doesn't know the rules, what to do or how to be. He decides to play with one of the available toys and the cat whose toy it is quickly runs over to see who is messing with their stuff. It feels awkward and difficult.
Seeing Theo's sad and confused face after Willow swatted him brought back all sorts of traumatic memories of awkwardly trying to meet new kids by being friendly only to get ridiculed or scorned in response. So, I did what I desperately wanted when that would happen to me, I snatched Theo up, held him close and gently explained what was going on. He sank deeply into my lap and watched the other cats play as I gently stroked his soft fur. Tomorrow we will try again, and maybe then Willow will show a little more of her sweet side.