Today marks 6 weeks (42 days) since MK went missing. My heart still aches for him and yet I've come closer to accepting that he's not coming back. I'm guessing he might have gotten hit by a car or some such awful fate.
MK July 12, 2014 |
The back porch was his home, he spent most of his nights here snuggled up with his papa, Oliver, and brother, Pierre. More than anything else, he loved spending time with his family.
Family snuggle May 13, 2014 |
Oliver started coming around in early 2011, by the late summer, I had built him living accommodations and a safe place to eat. In that time we started becoming friends and by late Fall, he was cuddling in my lap - to my delight, he had come to fully trust me. Apparently he trusted me enough to bring his kitts to my yard, to share in his good fortune.
One of Oliver's young kitts having some dinner Nov 28, 2011 |
Oliver, MK, and Pierre enjoying dinner in the Dining Hall Dec 31, 2011 |
Oliver keeps watch |
Oliver has always been more than happy to share his food and heated homes with his family. It's no wonder MK adored his papa so much, as Oliver has always gone to great lengths to care for his family.
Oliver on roof with his kitts staying warm inside his heated home Jan 12, 2012 |
It didn't take long for MK and Pierre to feel more at ease in the yard. Over time, they began hanging out here more frequently and eventually they were here more than they were not. When Oliver was around they always felt very safe and would lounge in the yard.
Jan 14, 2012 |
MK hanging out with his sister, Nora July 5, 2012 |
In time, MK began trusting me more and more. He loved to play with toys. I would bring fake mice out in the yard and he would go crazy, batting them around the yard. He particularly enjoyed a large stuffed rat-toy!
June 9, 2013 |
Family portrait Jan 15, 2014 |
MK was always willing to take more risks when Oliver was around. Oliver's presence gave him courage and confidence. If Oliver was coming inside the house, then MK would have to check it out too.
MK checking in on Oliver in his "room" Jan 21, 2014 |
It was common for me to check the kitty-cams and see MK zonked out in Oliver's House or his Guest House. Seeing him all safe, warm, and snug on a cold, rainy winter day always brought me great joy.
MK and Pierre enjoy a cuddle together inside Oliver's House Feb 6, 2014 |
MK and Pierre enjoying a cuddle Aug 2013 |
I'll be the first to admit that I have a control issue. I'm the kind of person who likes to do everything I can to ensure my cats are safe and happy. Therefore, taking care of a backyard feral cat colony has been incredibly stressful, as there is only so much I can control. I've lost a lot of sleep over the years worrying about their wellbeing. I've worked really hard to create a feral cat paradise, so they won't wander and will be safe and secure. Care taking the ferals has also been incredibly rewarding, winning the trust of feral cats is a very emotionally intoxicating experience. Looking back, I probably was only able to touch MK just a handful of times, occasionally stealing pets while he was distracted and happily eating his wet food breakfast alongside his brother and papa. As soon as he realized I was touching him, he backed off, just out of my arms reach.
It's amazing how attached I can get to a cat that I've only touched a few times, however, I watched him live out his life in my backyard and back porch. Everyday I got to see his playful personality as he romped with his brother around the yard and cuddled with whoever was available. MK was certainly the silliest of his family, he was always doing something that made me smile and warmed my heart.
MK, I'm really, really sad that my time with you has been cut so short. I know Oliver and Pierre miss you too. My heart aches to see you again, free, happy, and romping in your yard with your brother. Thank you for gifting me with your beautiful presence. I did everything I could think of to keep you safe and happy, but in the end it wasn't enough, and for that I'm deeply sorry. Although I can no longer see you with my eyes, you will forever live in my heart. I love you MK and I miss you dearly.
May 8, 2012 |
Summer 2011 - January 19, 2015