This little girl has captured my heart. She's the sweetest little love bug! So precious.
She voyaged down to Tufts earlier this week, in hopes of getting her urinary problem fixed. The specialist wasn't able to get the endoscope through to her bladder, so injected contrast into the bladder to get better vision of what's going on.
He confirmed that there is a thick membrane in the bladder that completely covers over the urethra, thus no urine can leave the bladder. He also discovered that the ureters (vessels that connect kidneys to bladder) seem to be bypassing the bladder altogether and connect right in to the urethra.
She's a very complicated, special girl. Doc is working on creating a unique treatment plan for her. Because of the complexity and uniqueness of her situation, he can't provide prognosis. It sounds like she may need a stent in her urethra where it connects to bladder to prevent membrane from growing back, and there is possibility that could lead to incontinence.
Ongoing purrs and prayers for this sweet girl are appreciated!