Halloween is one of those nights that used to cause a lot of stress. All those people roaming around at night and a horrible time to be a black outside cat. Unsafe. Every year I would try to round up Oliver and his family and keep them safe and sound on the back porch, but sometimes they refused and I would stress, stress, stress!
Tonight, Oliver and Pierre spend their first Halloween as inside only cats!!!!!! Yah!!!! All the cats celebrated with special yummy dinners!
Oliver enjoying his heated bed! |
Pierre enjoying his heated window perch! |
With all the challenge and emotional stress the move to New England has brought, I sometimes question our decision to move. I long for the settled home-life we once had. Did we make the right choice? Maybe it was a mistake? And then I look at Oliver and Pierre being perfect inside kitty citizens, safe and well behaved, and I think it was worth it for that alone.
Happy Spooky Halloween! Purrs to all the outside kitties this night - stay safe and out of sight.