There are many great dog books out there but finding a good cat book can be a real challenge. Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper, exceeds expectations. It's a definite read for any cat lover.
Homer's Odyssey is a delightful story about how adopting a blind kitten unexpectedly teaches Gwen about relationships and life.
Homer is a daring, bold cat who refuses to let his blindness hold him back from fully experiencing life. His endless energy for life inspires Gwen to never give up, even as she endures all sorts of challenges. One of those challenges was waking up to find a burglar standing in her bedroom in the middle of the night. Homer, a usually gentle, friendly cat, fiercely scared off the intruder.
Gwen's writing style is warm and witty. She is a gifted storyteller who in no time draws you into her life. Her sweet, tasteful humor is delightful.
For me one of the necessary ingredients in a good cat (or dog) book is that the main animal character must not die. It's not fun to get attached to the animal only to feel overwhelming sad when faced with it's death. There is enough death and grieving opportunities in life, I read animal stories to step out of that mess for a time. In the introduction to Jon Katz's The Dogs of Bedlam Farm he clearly states no dogs die in the book - a beautiful statement indicating the book is safe. Anyway, all that to say, that Homer's Odyssey is a safe book, no cats die.
Gwen has pictures and video of Homer on her website ( Seeing him chase toys around and climb furniture is amazing! If I didn't already know he was blind, I would have not guess it.
With an amazing cat like Homer, he needs to be shared. Thankfully, Gwen is willing to do so.
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