Sunday, July 23, 2023

Oliver update

It deeply pains me to share that Oliver has many carcinoma tumors on his liver and pancreas. We have no treatment options. 

I am deeply devestated. Oliver means the world to me. 

His appetite is very intermittent. I bought a variety of different foods and kinds of foods to try to encourage him to eat. He's on an appetite stimulant, pain meds, and nausea meds. We will do our best to love him and make him comfortable in the time we have left. 

Those who have followed my blog know that since I have known Oliver, I have done everything within my power to keep him safe and healthy. In this moment, I feel so powerless now, as there is nothing I can do to protect him from this threat. 

Please purr and pray for all of us as we love on him and grieve what is coming. ❤️


  1. Sending all the purrs and prayers we have to you and Oliver.
    He's lived life in his way, and that's something to appreciate.

  2. I am just so sorry. Keeping you both in my thoughts, this is just so hard. I know.

  3. I am so sorry Oliver has such a devastating diagnosis. He will be in my prayers.


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