Monday, October 28, 2013

family bonds

Even Pierre and Oliver are getting in on cuddle season.

Meanwhile, Belle will more than likely go to her new home today and Ranger hopefully will go to his home on Wednesday. It occurred to me that as I adopt each kitten out, they will probably never see their siblings again. That feels awful. I know they will have plenty to enjoy in their new lives, but it makes me really sad knowing they will lose relationship with their biological family.

Before I pack Belle up, I'll tell her to say goodbye to darling siblings for the last time. Makes me cry just thinking about it. I don't think this fostering thing is for me, too emotionally hard.


  1. don't worry, they don't seem to have the same feelings about family.
    my cat Missie is larruping her mother big time. her mother is afraid like hell of her daughter, she would be more happy to be the only cat in the house.

  2. it can be hard, but we have to agree that smaller kittens bond with their new families so much that we don't think they miss siblings much. we think as kittens get older (like Jake & Elwood) it might make a difference

  3. I've been fostering for almost 2 years now and I can promise you, that kitties thrive in their new homes, if they are the right homes, of course. Even if we think they will be suffering their loss (both their cat and foster human family), they really don't. THey can be feeling lost at the beginning but they adapt soon. My fear was that they will think we don't want them anymore, but I am sure they don't think in those terms. They live for the now, not for the past, not for the future. I think they are lucky to have had a good foster home. now your "job" is done and you can offer you love and care to another kitty in need.

  4. Don't fret the fostering...after this litter I'm willing to lay odds that you'll get the desire again eventually. Although it's gotta be hard to let go.

  5. Yep, it is most difficult but oh how they need you.

  6. I know that those who do rescue/fostering especially experience the ups and downs of finding forever homes. I watch on the sidelines and feel the pull of wanting to keep the families intact. But, I suppose that the cats feel differently than we do. WE have the capacity to foresee the future and they look no further than the moment. Once a kitty is in a forever home they don't look give yourself the gift of knowing you are doing what is actually the best for them, even though it may not feel like it. I say that, and I would probably be in tears too.

  7. I love Angel Abby's reply. Giving them up although you have to in fostering would be so hard.

  8. That is one of the reasons our mom doesn't foster. She hates breaking up families, wants to keep every kitten she ever sees and Mauricio is too darn jealous! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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