Tuesday, September 9, 2014

more Bert

Remember Bert? He's the sweet brown tabby who has been living in my garage after I trapped him back in June at a nearby large TNR site. He had an old flea collar on him and seemed friendly. He also appeared to have some medical challenges.

I built Bert this bridge to go between his napping place and his eating place.

It also works well for tummy tubs.

I first took him to my vet in early August, when he was diagnosed with giardia and possibly Mycoplasma (blood-based bacterial parasite). Now, a month later, it was time to follow-up with the vet.

He showed the vet what a lover boy he really he. Bert's tummy still looks a bit large and feels more solid than other cats I have felt. The vet felt around his abdomen and didn't find anything unusual. She thought it felt better than last time. I have been fearing he might have kidney failure since he drinks a ton of water and has huge pees - so the vet got a urine sample and some blood.

The results showed he has regenerative anemia, which she believes is caused by the Mycoplasma. She thinks this might account for the enlarge spleen we saw on the x-rays from the previous visit. The spleen is responsible for filtering the blood and recycling those red blood cells - so with his blood needing more red blood cells, his poor spleen has been working overtime! She also indicated the slight heart murmur might be from the thin anemic blood - thus that might fix itself when the Mycoplasma is gone.

His urinalysis seemed to indicate his kidneys are working ok, so she's not suspecting kidney failure - so, we're still not sure why all the water and pee. He'll be getting an antibiotic for a few weeks and then another check-up!

Go little Bert!!


  1. We're glad to hear Bert is doing better :D

  2. Glad to hear things are looking up for a change, and everything is falling into place.

  3. well that is wonderful. although it may appear he has developed a minor nip addiction MOL

  4. Bert looks so much happier and I bet he feels a whole lot better.

  5. He's adorable and so lucky that you found him. I wish him good health soon. Hugs

  6. What a cutie Bert is. He sure is lucky to have you take an interest in him and try to help him.

  7. Dat's all pawsum news. So glad Bert be duin' well. Yous know sum times a kitty just be firsty and sumtimes kittys just hav big pees. Meez dwinks a lots of water and has a lots of pee pees but me be healffy. Ans sis Lexi has humungous pee pees and hers be healffy too. Sumtimes hoomans look fur purrawlems dat not be there. Bone stwucture and bweed be fings dat helps determin how big weez get. Weez will be purrayin' all stays well wiff hims.

    Luv ya

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. Bert looks like a sweetie. I am glad he is improving and hopefully will have a full recovery. Http://15andmeowing.com

  9. Bert's a really cute guy. I hope the antibiotic helps him. Please keep us posted.

  10. Bert is just precious and you bring tears to my eyes with how well you care for your babies. Bert is blessed to have you

  11. Love that ramp! and so glad he is doing well, and hopefully the next recheck will bring even better news..


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