Thursday, September 15, 2016

feline asceticism

Marvin refuses to indulge in mixing softness with his heat. He likes just heat, no soft cushy bed, no soft towel. Just plain heat.

I keep moving his bed over to be on top of the heating pad and he continues to move it back to the floor. I've purchased at least three different kinds of soft, comfy beds for him, all of which he refuses to take part in.

Ok, Marvin, you win, enjoy your heat sans soft. 


  1. That Marvin, he's a tough cookie! Your love for each other is a wonderful thing...thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. At least his "bed of nails" is nice and warm! :-)

  3. dood....we will sleep on de kitshun tabull top if therz sun ther !!! ♥♥♥

  4. a cat wants what it wants and there will be no changing their mind.

  5. Marvin, you are so cute there. I like heat too, but M hasn't given me a heating pad yet and doesn't let me share hers. I'm so deprived over there. (M is laughing at that comment as she says I'm spoiled rotten!)

  6. Marvin, Dude ... You are a straight pawson !

    Happy Friday !

  7. Maybe Marvin is trying to tell you that he's warmer if all that fluffy stuff isn't on top of the heating pad. One of our cats, who has a body type and fur length similar to Marvin's, doesn't like anything on top of her heating pad either.

  8. As long as he is happy :) and warm.

  9. If it's comfy, it's comfy, right Marvin!

  10. You are so cute, Marvin! Happy that you are happy:)

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