Tuesday, December 19, 2017

healing progress

Good news!

Willow is doing better today.  She's not conmpletely back to normal just yet, but she's moving in that direction.

We learned from the vet today that the results from her bloodwork indicate that her pancreas is fine after all. So, that leaves us with no idea what happened to start us down this road (lack of eating, appearance of intense pain and misery, and labored breathing). I believe the second part of her distress was a bad reaction to the Mirtazapine.

After not sleeping for several days, she finally settled enough to get some sleep. She remains very hyper alert and thus startles very easily, but slowly, she keeps settling. She's gotten comfy enough to want her scrumptious tummy rubbed! Yah!!!

Thank you for the purrs and prayers - this was a very scary time. Hopefully we are out of the woods.


  1. When beely rubs are needed, things are on the good track. Good girl, Willow!

  2. Thank you for letting us know! That was scary.

  3. Continued purrs and purrayers. I'm sure you'd be easier in your mind if the vets could figure out what caused her to be sick in the first place, but fingers and paws crossed she makes a full recovery and this doesn't happen again.

  4. Such a relief. I've had Willow on my mind and in my prayers. So glad to hear she is on the mend. Rest up and take care!!

  5. Hooray for good news! Yes, it sure could have been a reaction to the meds.

  6. I am so glad that Willow is feeling better. I'm sorry that you don't know what caused it, but, hopefully, it will never come back.

  7. Good news that Willow is better, but is sure is a puzzlement! Wonder if she ate something that was slightly poisonous, or she had an allergic reaction. Anyhow, still sending purrs and hugs!

  8. I will keep praying for sweet Willow.


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