Tuesday, November 19, 2013

can you identify these famous cats?

I once again find myself traveling, far away from home, which means far away from my cats. I can't tell you where I am just yet, because first, I want to offer up a challenge for you to solve.

This evening I had the privilege of meeting up with a delightful and amazingly gifted cat blogger that most of you know. And of course, I also got to meet her three precious cats. Now, here's the challenge - take a look at these kitties and can you identify the cats and thus the blog? First one to identify all three cats correctly wins a prize! Oh, and before I post the pictures, I must appologize for my poor photography - the kitties were shy, so they wouldn't let me get to close and they didn't want to look at me!

Kitty #1:

Kitty #2:

Kitty #3:

Hint #1: The order of the cats in these photos corresponds to the order in which the cats came into the blogger's life.

Leave your answers in the comments, first one with the right answers gets the prize!! If no one gets it correct I'll post another hint.  Good luck!!


  1. Its a little bit difficult ... hmm all i can say is that they are beautiful :D


  2. Its a little bit difficult ... hmm all i can say is that they are beautiful :D


  3. I am stumped. The first kitty looked like Mr Puddy!

    1. Yes, the first kitty does resemble Mr. Puddy, but I think Mr. Puddy is fluffier than this kitty.

  4. Wow we don't recognize any of these very beautiful kitties.

  5. Hmmmm, I'll have to think about this one. I'll have to come back because nothing pops into my head.

  6. Howdy. I'm just a lurker who guessed earlier via email that these lovely boys were Skootch, Louie and Wilbur from the wonderful Cattywumpus blog. Anyone who doesn't know it should really check it out.

    John in Vancouver

  7. I didn't recognize 'em at all but they sure are all beautiful!



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