Monday, August 17, 2015

Mr. Marvins

Mr. Marvin is doing amazing! He's graduated to Oliver's room in the house. He's super curious and explored the space in no time. I love watching cats explore and map their new territory! These first few pictures are from Saturday, Aug 8th.

After he felt comfy in his new space, I gave him his first nip nanner...

I think he likes it!

One big drool fest! Wow!! 

These next pictures are from a week later, Aug 16th.

As you can see, Marvin is looking GREAT!

Now that his teeth are all healed up, he'll be vaccinated and chipped this week and then he'll be posted on PetFinder in hopes of finding his perfect new home!

The more comfortable Marvin gets, the more lovey he gets. He's even settled in my lap a few times and cuddled up to me on the bed. He's a very social boy who loves having his cheeks rubbed - although doing so gets his drool factory running in overdrive which is fine until he shakes his head and covers everything with drool!


  1. He looks terrific! Kudos to you for all your great care. We'll cross our paws for him, that he finds an amazing forever home. :-)

  2. love that chocolate color....and his face looks very oriental....we bet he gets snapped up in no time :)

  3. Marvin is her brown or black? He is very handsome.

  4. It's so nice to see Marvin doing so well and he sure looks happy!

  5. dood....we iz buzzed mega happee ewe R doin sew well.. ~~~~ ♥♥♥ N yea....therz just sum thin bout YEOW nip toys huh !!! ♥♥♥

  6. Marvin looks SO much better...he's lost that hollow look in his eyes and I can tell he's happy. Fatten that boy up; he deserves it!

  7. Blessings to you for bringing Marvin back from the brink.....he looks happy and ready for his "forever" what a hit the Nanner was! He still needs some weight but once he's got his home, that will happen...........

    Hugs, Sammy

  8. OH! I am as that old saying goes, over the MOON about Marvin! THANK you from the heart for saving this dear boy!!!

  9. Nice to see Marvin settling in- he is a handsome fella.

  10. He looks wonderful. I bet he will be snatched right up


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