Saturday, April 27, 2019

Northern Lights Quilt Guild - Quilt Show

Northern Lights Quilt Guild, is hosting their quilt show this weekend in Hanover, NH. We decided to check it out and it was a lot of fun!

So many beautiful quilts, it's quite amazing to see how gifted people are!

kitty in the window!

This was my favorite kitty quilt. If you look close you will see birds too! There is so much going on in this quilt, I left the picture size large so you can click on it and see the detail up close.
Kitties, birds, flowers, oh my!

This was Laura's favorite

They had a quilting-themed book sale, which of course we had to check out. Right there on top was this book, Cats on Quilts - which of course had to come home with us! It's for a good cause!


  1. Those are some amazing handmade quilts from some obviously very talented people.

  2. I love seeing those quilts and I am glad you thought to show us!

  3. I am a quilter and a cat lover, an so I enjoyed this post. There are many of us out here with cats as our quilting helpers and cheerleaders. There is even a Facebook group called “Cats on Quilts.” Quilting is one of the many talents cats can claim. Now I’m going to go look for that book.

  4. What a lot of amazing quilts! Dad loves quilt art. His Mom was more of a crochet person and he has lots of things from Christmas ornaments to throws to cat mats. He says he pokes himself if he tries fixing a 1/2" tear in his pants MOL
    Thanks for sharing

  5. That looks like a nice book and I love the quilts.

  6. Spectacular quilts, and any with cats are especially terrific!

  7. Those are beautiful, and impressive there were so many with cats


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