Tuesday, February 5, 2013

visiting friends

One of the fun things with taking a photography class is that I'm forced to take more pictures to practice what I'm learning. To accomplish this goal, I've started hauling the camera with me everywhere. Yesterday, I went to help a friend move some boxes. She's staying at a very animal friendly house in the middle of no where. There were lots of horses, dogs and cats.

This large shed was converted into a luxurious house for the two outdoor cats.

Missy hanging out on her porch
Did you notice the outdoor cat house has satellite TV?! Oliver had better not see these pictures or he's going to demand an upgrade!

Herbie keeps a watchful eye on me 
Herbie comes over to check me out...

then pauses to reconsider his plan...

and decides to go with plan B

Emma, my friend's dog

The friend I was visiting is the person who gave us Max. She did an amazing job with Max making him into the perfect cat. Emma used to live with Max before Max came to live with me! So seeing Emma always reminds me of my dearest Max.

The indoor kitties get a nice catio to enjoy!

One of many horses

Herbie and Missy watch me leave


  1. My dream, to live on some land with lots of animals. Lucky people...and lucky non-humans too!

  2. Your friend's house sounds and looks like paradise to me! I agree with Fuzzy Tales, your friend is so lucky.

  3. What a great house for the outdoor kitties and a catio for the indoor ones! I wish my patio was enclosed. My cats would love that. I don't think the apartment complex would allow an enclosed patio :(

    I'd love a property with a variety of animals. I'm not sure about big animals like horses or cows, but I'd love some pygmy goats and some chickens!

  4. what a wondeful place - and great pictures to prove it. I agree - don't let the ferals here see the shed and satellite :)

  5. That looks like a wonderful animal-furriendly home! So many amenities and adorable furbabies. Great pics, too. Happy Tuesday!


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