Thursday, October 31, 2013


You know what these little buggers are?

photo courtesy of CDC
These little nasties are giardiases - protozoan parasites that wreak havoc on a kitty's intestinal tract.

6 exuberant kittens + zillions of giardiases = nasty mess

I spoke too soon yesterday, Belle and Ranger's homecomings have now been delayed while we work to eradicate this parasite. Seven days of administering bitter medicine, twice a day. And since the kittens have been mingling with the adult cats and using their litter boxes, the adult cats are all being treated too. Oh joy!

On a less spooky and completely unrelated note, it's halloween!  To celebrate, Laura made these chocolate cat cookies filled with peanut butter filling. Yum!

Happy Halloween!!


  1. Yak ! Thoose parasites looks really nasty !
    Sure hope you get ride of them quickly !
    The cat cookies looks much cuter and jummy :)

  2. OH NOES!!!
    *ick* to those parasites. We hope everything works out very smoothly and quickly. Just more time to love on those kittens.
    Happy Halloween.
    *Angel Abby*

  3. Yikes, those are scary! Happy Halloween!!!

  4. Ick is right. What an awful thing to put up with and try to get rid of. Hope you are successful soon.

  5. Dear cod, we are sending lots of purrs your way. That is some nasty stuff.

  6. that is sad, but how did you discover that? which are the symptoms?

  7. So sorry for you & the kitties Deplorable Halloween trick. Hope you had some moments of comfort numm9ng those cookies. Tell all the furbabies to "get well soon."

  8. Those look like some tasty cookies! I only have "dinosaur" cookie cutters!
    PS It is a windy Saturday, and I see the wind blowing outside on your TNR blog webcam! Hope the "Feral Family" are taking cover.

  9. what a post of opposites.. eww.. grody. and mmm yummy..

  10. I am sorry to hear they all had parasites. What a drag for all the cats. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.


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