Thursday, October 25, 2012

dreamy heated world

In my dream world, every homeless cat would have a warm, dry bed to sleep in. The temperature keeps getting colder and the rain keeps falling - Oliver and his family want to stay warm and dry.

Oliver now has two heated beds on the back porch, and both are in use! Each of his outdoor houses are also now heated, but I wish I had four heated spots on the back porch, Oliver and his family like to be all together.

Yesterday morning, I was about to leave for the morning when I noticed MK and Oliver snuggled up together in the loft bed. I couldn't go out the back door and scare MK away, I just couldn't do it. So, I went out the front door and walked around the block to the alley and then to the car. It was the long way in the rain, but it was worth it to allow MK and Oliver to enjoy the warm, dry snuggle!

I still worry about Brown Kitty, if he's still alive, I hope he has a warm, dry and safe spot to sleep the cold rain away. Still no sign of him. I know when he's been to the feeder, because he is the only cat who drinks the water! When he was visiting I had to refill the water daily, now that he's gone it rarely needs refilling.

If I won the lottery I would build them a big house with plush, heated rooms just for the feral cats. That would be lovely.


  1. What a purrfect world it would be if all kittehz had nice, warm places like yours. Purrs.

  2. What a great patio. We know the kitties enjoy it. And mom laughed about walking around the block to the car - she said been there done that. :)

  3. We wish Brown Kitty the best, too. It is so hard when one doesn't know where kitties are.

    We know your kitty family enjoys the accommodations. We're quite sure they aren't so humble to them.

  4. You are such a kind hearted guy and your love for cats is amazing! hugs, Linda

  5. Those accommodations are like a Ritz-Carlton hotel for the kitties.

    I would like to win the lottery, too. I would need a ticket, but I forget to buy them.

  6. I would do the same thing if I won the lotto... I would also provide free vet care to all in need.

  7. you are just too cute!! I hope it wasn't raining hard


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