Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hershey hangout happiness

I recently had the joy of having lunch with Mike, Hershey's dad and guess what? Mike invited me to hangout with Hershey before lunch! I wasn't going to pass up that chance!

I forget how incredibly soft he is.

He's one adorably sweet boy, who's filled with delightful personality.

My heart always fills with joy when I get to visit sweet Hershey. Oh, and my visit with Mike was fun too! What a wonderful pair these two make. It's so heartwarming to see how much they both truly adore each other.


  1. what a wonderful story....we are so glad Hershey and Mike found each other :)

  2. I laughed at 'oh, and my visit with Mike was fun too!" yup, sounds like me. Visiting Lisa and Amy was fun, but getting to see Maxwell and Faraday and Harvey and Lowenstein was something I could not pass up.

  3. Hershey is so happy with Mike that is such a wonderful happily ever after!

  4. It's fantastic that you get to visit him and see how well he's doing in his forever home. :-)

  5. How cool is it to visit a former foster! You've got a really nifty blog here!

  6. Dat's pawsum. Hershey suwe duz look cute.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. It warms MY heart as well! Love my "boy" Thank you for making my day!

  8. What a handsome boy Hershey is.

  9. OH what a joy to catch up with former babies you took care of.


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