Sunday, January 1, 2012

the family pays a visit

Happy New Year! 2012!!

Oliver partied the night leading up to the new year with his family. Once again, he brought his family over for a party in the yard! I am thrilled to report that the two kittens are alive and well!! Interesting how the kittens came over on Christmas Eve and now New Years Eve too.

Mama Kitty made an extremely rare lunch time appearance.

Oliver and his two kittens.

A line forms for chow.

Dining Hall has exceeded it's capacity.
Oliver decides to cut in line!

Amazing how much food four hungry cats can eat. I had to fill up the food bowl several times. When I came out to refill the food bowl the kittens scattered but kept watch on me from a distance, then came right back as soon as I left. This is just how Oliver started to trust in me over time, so I am hopeful the kittens will learn to trust me too. Oliver's response was different than the kittens, he ran up to me all excited like a proud papa showing off his beloved children - what fun.

These kittens look old enough now that I think they can probably take care of themselves. I fear they will be old enough to breed now, so I need to trap them as soon as I can so that I can get them all fixed. No more kittens! Of course, now I have to figure out how in the world I am going to trap Mama Kitty and the two kittens. I might be able to get one or two at a time, but I don't have that many traps!

In other news... I would appreciate purrs and prayers for Buddy. He has not wanted to eat or drink these last few days. We have been working hard to coax him to eat something and have been able to get him to eat little bits. Tried all sorts of foods and he remains rather disinterested. His refusal to eat is reminding me a lot of when Max was going through his CRF. Buddy's going to the vet tomorrow to get an exam and kidney panel.


  1. Nice to see the family and we're crossing our paws re: trapping the young ones and the mom too.

    And purrs to Buddy, we'll hope for the very best tomorrow and look for an update after the v-e-t visit and tests.

  2. Looks like a busy cat year for you ahead. Hope Buddy just has a hangover and nothing serious. The vets can sort it out probably.


  3. Oh Dog! Prayers for Buddy, and for Oliver's kids to get comfortable with you. Happy New Year!

  4. Thias is just precious I over- use that word but it is precious. They are adorable and that they follow their daddy just makes my heart melt.

  5. Aww I do hope you can catch them and get them seen to, then no more worries about more kittens, Isn't there a charity or such like that can help. Like the RSPCA, Cats protection etc
    I do hope all goes well with the vet visit!!

  6. What a great way to kick off the New Year, watching Oliver's little family. Kitten season is just around the corner, the sooner they get TNR'ed the better! Thank you for caring for them, and sharing them with us.
    Big purrs for Buddy, we hope it's just the sniffles and nothing more.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Such a sweet cat family and so nice that Oliver brought them for another visit. Wishing only the best for Buddy and hoping he feels better soon. hugs, Linda

  8. I'm glad everyone got a nice meal for New Years! Wishing you Peace for 2012!
    xo Catherine

  9. Here's hoping Buddy can get some meds to feel better. CRF is so heartbreaking. Let's hope Buddy just partied too much.

    Good luck in 2012 at catching Momma and the kits. Is so sweet Oliver brings them around.

  10. purrs to you and Buddy - we hope it goes well at the v-e-t....

    yeah that the kittens came back....we hope they continue to and that you can trap them. we agree - check in your area and see if there is a rescue that will loan you traps (we would loan you ours, but we think the postage might be expensive from o-hi-o)

  11. I'm so glad you're going to TNR the kittens and Mama Kitty!

    I hope all is well with Buddy. Our kitty, Simba, has CRF. We've been dealing with that for well over a year but he feels fine. If Buddy isn't eating and he in fact does have CRF, he may be in a really bad state of dehydration (acute) and once he gets adequate fluids via IV or subcutaneously, could start to feel fine again. Nevertheless, hopefully it's not CRF or anything else. Maybe it's an infection.

  12. Oh, the dining house was filled!

    Wishing you and your family the happiest of new years!

  13. Happy new year!!! I hope 2012 brings you much happiness! Purrs and prayers to Buddy!!!

  14. Poor Buddy! I've just gotten through 9 weeks of a foster cat on a feeding tube due to stress. That was fun. So you have my sympathy. Hope that he starts eating!

  15. All the best to you CatGuy & family for a wonderful 2012. Hope that Buddy gets feeling better soon~


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