Tuesday, February 21, 2012


can I come in now? Pleaaasssseeee!!

Buddy: go away! You're not wanted here.

Thankfully, Buddy doesn't speak for the entire hobby cattery. In these pictures it looks like Buddy is just hanging out with Oliver, but really he is spitting and caterwauling something fierce. He gets all worked up.

I have taken to letting Oliver camp out on the enclosed back porch. He loves it! I think he feels it's one step closer to being an inside kitty. He loves to hang out on the window shelves and gaze outside, which is funny, because he could go out there anytime he wanted (the screen door is propped open!) Later this week, I may move one of his heating pads over so he has a heated place to sleep.

All the cat behaviorists I hear always talk about making sure you provide your kitty an appropriate alternative to the undesirable behavior, like a scratching post so they don't trash the furniture. On a lark, I decided to try the same thing with Oliver. I thought, maybe if he had a litter box on the back porch he could pee in that instead of all over the back porch. We'll see if that works, I'm not betting that it will but figured it was worth a try!


  1. Oh, Phil, what an expression in Oliver's eyes in that first pic, he's irresistible. Heart-melting. I really hope things will work out, but even as is, Oliver's a very, very lucky cat. I hope he uses the litter box you put out for him!

    Does Buddy redirect his aggression toward the other resident cats? That's what Chum used to do with Annie, when he spied another cat on the other side our fence. And what Nicki does to Derry outside too. Derry can hold his own, of course, as they're pretty much the same weight, even though their body types are different.

    Fingers (and paws) crossed!

    -Kim and the boys

  2. Buddy has a big ego!! WHEN Oliver is inside, it will never be the Waltons...but close enough, given time.
    Jane x

  3. well that sounds worth a try... it is all action over at your place! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  4. Very good idea with Oliver's litter box! I think I told you about the cat behaviorist's comment about having enough litter boxes for everyone. Hopefully, when the weather gets warmer, you can open the windows so the cats can get acquainted through the screens. Poor Oliver! He really seems to want to be an indoor cat at YOUR house! I hope that over time, with your vet's assistance, they can co-mingle. Keep us posted!

  5. Poor Oliver! His Look is heart-rendingly pathetic...he sure know how to work it. Fingers crossed he decides he likes the litter box and stops spraying up the porch.

  6. Oh OLIVER! It would be all over for my mommy! You are so appealing and so sweet. PLEASE PLEASE stop that spraying! Don't you see what you're doing is hampering you? xoxoxoxo

  7. I can=me back to tell your Dad something Oliver but seeing your dear face just does mom in. I hope she can concentrate and I hope YOU will S-T-O-P spraying!!

    Dad of the kitties: Mom went off to Walmart and got the only boot tray they had left! It was under 5 dollars! It fits the little area where my box is. Mom added a new pad too so now, lets see.

  8. That Oliver melts hearts for sure! I hope the spraying stops and he can come back inside soon. hugs, Linda

  9. The indoor kitties look like they are having a discussion while poor Oliver awaits their decision. Which is then announced loudly by Buddy. What funny photos. We do hope Oliver gets to be an indoor kitty soon.

  10. Aww that face pulls on the old heart strings

  11. Oh Oliver I started to melt when I saw that expression.
    I hope you can find a solution to the spraying.
    he is longing to belong.

  12. Oliver...I just can't stand thinking of you waiting and waiting...please mind your manners and all will be perfect for you. <3

  13. Oh those pleading eyes!!!! melt....
    xo Catherine


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