Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hershey update

Mr. Hershey is still hanging out with us. So far several people have expressed interest. The first candidate met him last weekend and didn't immediately fall in love. He was a little unsure about Hershey's bratty biting behavior.

When Hershey doesn't want to do something or gets super excited he likes to express that energy using his teeth. He'll grab a hand with his claws, hold it in position and chomp! He uses a bit more force than is comfortable.

Changing this behavior will take consistently giving him an undesired consequence such as the play and attention immediately cease and I leave the room right after he bites. Hopefully in a short period of time he'll learn that using his teeth brings about something undesirable.

Meanwhile, someone else will be coming over later tonight to meet Hershey! I hope they fall in love!

In unrelated news, I'm taking a photography class! The photographer who did the pet photos with santa at the big holiday pet adoption event is teaching it. It's a basic "how to get off the automatic setting of your DSLR camera" class. I'm excited and hopefully in a few more weeks I'll start taking much better pictures! You'll have to let me know if you start to notice a difference in picture quality.


  1. The right people will come along for Hershey. We trained our very first cats not to bite or use claws by simply saying 'no' and turning our backs to them when the behaviour occurred. They soon learned.
    Jane x

  2. Sweet Hershey will have to tame the biting but he is such a cutie I know he will find his forever home!!

  3. Poor Hershey, he is beautiful, he'll learn. I wish I could take a photo class like that. I really need to learn how to use the stupid camera!

  4. Hershey is so handsome we're sure somebody will fall in love with him in no time. His bad habit is just a small one. Good luck and purrs to him. (and you on the photography class!)

  5. good luck with the camera - mom may never graduate beyond point shoot and hope for the best MOL

    Paws crossed for Hershey. You have to trust yourself - the right family is out there and you will know it when you meet them.

  6. Paws crossed for Hershey! Our Grayce is a biter, we were able to curb it by about 80%. She's just SO affectionate she gets carried away.

  7. Oh boy, we hope the new people love Hershey and want him right now! Leo does the bitey thing and I really need to work on that.. I stopped another cat by pushing my hand into the bite rather than pulling away. That stops it from tearing my skin and make them uncomfortable, hopefully enough to learn not to do that any more! Hard to bite on more than just the edges!

  8. Does Hershey have a thin little moustache above his upper lip? It looks like a moustache. Ever cute! purrs

  9. I hope the right people for Hershey come along soon. He is such a handsome fellow

  10. Sorry to hear the first one wasn't a love match, but it will make it all the more special once it does show up.

    I would love to take another photography class :) You are going to love it..

  11. He is such a sweetie! I hope the right person comes along soom. Have fun with your photography classes!
    xo Catherine

  12. The right person will come along for Hershey when that is meant to be, me? I LIKE his "style" :)
    I already think your photos are wonderful but a class will make them that much better! Enjoy!


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