Saturday, April 30, 2011

Two Cats and the Woman They Own - review

Two Cats and the Woman They Own: or Lessons I Learned from My CatsTwo Cats and the Woman They Own: or Lessons I Learned from My Cats by Patti Davis, is a fun romp in the adventurous world of living with cats.

Twelve, very well written, short stories each with delightful full page illustrations provide a glimpse into the human - cat bond. Each chapter concludes with a wise life lesson learned.

I am amazed at how Patti Davis covers so much of the emotional spectrum in such a short little book. Her stories evoke joy, laughter, delight, sadness, grief and more. This little book is very much like a box of fine chocolates, each chapter provides a few bites of delicious flavors that feeds the heart.

One of the things I love about cats is their complexity. Patti conveys this well in her presentation of the main feline characters, Aretha and Skeeter and their interactions with everything in their world. Truly, if the door to your heart has a cat-sized opening then it is only a matter of time before felines will enter and take up residence.

1 comment:

  1. Mom has put it on her must read list - thanks for the referral!!


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