Friday, November 12, 2010

fun friday feline factoid - Warriors

Warriors #1: Into the WildI was browsing at Borders the other day and ran across a series of fictional cat based adventure books. Warriors by Erin Hunter, is a fantasy adventure story involving feral cats as the main characters. I was amazed at the number of Warriors books on the shelves, almost two full shelves!

Wanting to know more about these books, I visited the official Warriors website. I learned that the author, Erin Hunter, is actually a pen name for four different authors.

I had no idea there were a bunch of cat-based adventure books written for young adults! The idea sounds great, I only hope the quality lives up to the potential. I have the first book on hold at the library, so after I get the chance to read it, I will follow-up with a review.

1 comment:

  1. I told Laura about those books when we were at Powell's last Christmas! Hope you've enjoyed them.


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