Sunday, February 13, 2011


I am happy to announce that the blog is expanding! The new page buttons, located under the blog title, are now live. Each cat has their own page, complete with bio and a photo gallery. I have also compiled a glossary of technical terms used on the blog.

Also know that I have been pondering a complete remodel of the blog, perhaps using a different template. No final decisions have been made yet, but someday when you visit things may look very different here at fourwhitepaws.

Rose likes poetry


  1. Love the glossary -- very clever! One of my kitties like his Kong Kickaroo toy too. Seeing him rabbit kick it always makes me laugh.

  2. Loose the glossary! Impressive advancements! Great layout. The MAX page is tough to look at. I predict you are on your way to becoming one of those hugely popular cat blogs!


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